Healthy family nurture children with positive attitude

In 1999 and 2007, several researches on families were conducted by American scholar Dr. John DeFrain and Dr. Yan Xia and these research findings discovered that family wellness elements are critical for building strong families. In 2009, the Association conducted a study on the quality of family life in Hong Kong, which again suggested that the infusion of family wellness vitamins in the family can enhance parent-child bonding, and that children growing up in a warm and caring family atmosphere can help them to develop positive values, so that they can relate to their peers in a positive and caring manner in school and in society.


Family Wellness Vitamins PSCARE

tarting from 2009, we have designed six symbolic characters to help parents and children remember the elements of family vitamins in a simple and easy way. Such elements are Positive Communication, Spiritual Well-being, Commitment, Affection & Appreciation, Family Resilience and Enjoyable Time Together. All these are used as themes for our various activity strategies in parental education aiming to nourish each family. PSCARE is the abbreviation of each vitamin, reminding parents to pay attention to family health and take effort to build a harmonious and warm home together.